A Recap of the 2014 Pink Prom
As the 2014’s Pink Prom came to a close—and in the days that followed—it became increasingly clear to me that it was a celebration of parity and joy. Celebrating can be seen as a frivolity but Pink Prom has become a catalyst for changing my mind about celebrating, especially in the LGBTQ community.
It hadn’t occurred to me, in the depth that I now understand, how much it can mean to a marginalized community: to be celebrated. The importance of supporting each other was made clear to me over and over since my first visit to the Q Center, and this year’s Pink Prom was no exception.
Pink Prom is decorated to the nines. The dedication of the Q Center staff, interns, and volunteers is one of the most admirable occurrences I have seen. Being an intern myself, I witnessed the tireless pursuit of creating a perfect prom under limited time and multiple schedules. It’s inspiring to know that although there may have been stress, each individual was elated and full of joy to be creating Pink Prom. The theme of the 2014 Pink Prom was Candyland, but how does support and celebration relate to candy?
Candy was originally a form of medicine only given to the rich. It was garnish and it cured digestive ailments. Candy has been many things, but being compared to supporting a community may be a new accolade. As candy was once medicine, so now is support. We become rich in giving others kindness. When you offer a shoulder to lean on or make others feel welcome and loved, you are the kind medicine; you are the candy. For me and my peers Pink Prom was a reprieve from our troubles. It was a night dedicated to dancing and laughing our ailments away and appreciating each other; a night for celebrating life and our commitment to putting one foot in front of the other.
I’m glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of creating and attending this event. To every person that participated in the celebration of being true to yourself at Pink Prom this year:
1. You looked fab, and forever are fab.
2. Sorry about the water bottles.
3. Thank you for appreciating each other and being nice.
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