October Poem

It’s that time of the year again when costumes come out
Fairies, clowns, vampires, the usual…
But what about the facade that isn’t just visual?
The mask that we wear from day to day
The repeated lines:
“It’s fine.” “I’m okay.”
Remember although it’s a dark time of year
There’s no need to be alone and in fear
Peak out from under your cloak
You are not an unseen ghost
You are just unusual in world that’s used to static and clean
You are a treat in a constant throng of tricks
You are a soul that makes this world tick
Even if your past is a little haunted
Know that you are terribly wanted
Remove the mask
But only when you’re ready
At first things may feel a little unsteady
Remember to breathe and count to ten
You are so much more than you can imagine.


Minority Inclusive Media

With the Q Center’s upcoming photo shoot, there are many interesting things to write about! I could talk about the camera, set up, or the outfits our youth will conjure up, but I’d like to focus on a more abstract connection—the one between our photo shoot and mass media portrayal of the oppressed minority. The Q Center photo shoot is so exciting because ALL our youth that want to look fierce and be photographed will have the opportunity to—no matter their gender identity/expression, body type, sexuality, hair type, skin color, socioeconomic status, or cultural background. None of these are a deciding factor of who will be seen in our pictures.

To me, this isn’t a hard concept to follow. When we apply the idea that “everyone should be seen and heard” to shows, movies, articles, and news coverage, then amazing shows  like Orange is the New Black, the Fosters, and Orphan Black are created. Look at how many TV shows are produced each year and how many actors are involved. Out of these, I can only list three shows that are partially inclusive of oppressed minorities.  Taking into account the systemic oppression in our country, it isn’t hard to believe that the peaceful protesters of Mike Brown’s murder who chanted with their hands up, “No Justice, No Peace” were reported as yelling “kill the police” (http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/08/10/3469602/ferguson-police-michael-brown/).

It is of utmost importance to talk about these issues, especially with how close to home the lack of media coverage affects each of us. Whether it is body policing, the killing of trans* women, or the lack of representation of diverse people in our favorite movies, the failure to be inclusive is devastating. There is a lot to think about and hold in our hearts. I think it is super important that we recognize what needs to change in our world and then pursue that change. Sometimes the change we make cannot be a tsunami, but rather a wave that keeps coming back to the shore. It takes time to transform a whole societal way of thinking.

On Friday, August 28th the Q Center will proudly create queer inclusive media through a fierce photo shoot. We welcome all identities to join us. This is our change; our response to the lacking representation of our identities!


Dining Out For Youth Fundraiser

We hope you will join us for our DINING OUT FOR YOUTH event next Thursday, August 21, 2014!!

Generous business participants are donating a portion of their proceeds during specified hours to The Q Center!  Participants include:

Monica’s Waterfront Bakery (YUM!) 11am to 3pm
Naturally 4 Paws (Woof/Meow!) 10am to 8pm
Pip’s Bagels (OOH!) 6:30am to 5pm
Personal Roast Coffee Co. (YES) 10am to 8pm
Agate Pass Café (SO DELICIOUS!) 5pm to 9pm

Here’s how you can support this event:

Monica's logo

Dine out for lunch or breakfast at Monica’s – they make the best quiche in the county! Or why not order a dozen cookies or cupcakes to take to the office? Make sure to mention that you’re there to support Dining Out For Youth!

Pips logo

Treat your office to Pip’s bagels and cream cheese – think herbed cream cheese on an everything bagel!  Or purchase a big, chocolaty mocha with an extra shot of espresso to go with your toasted cinnamon sugar bagel and cream cheese frosting!  We dare you to have just one! Don’t forget to mention that you’re there for Dining Out For Youth!

Buy a gift certificate and… you guessed it, tell them you’re there for Dining Out For Youth!

N4P Logo

Stop by Naturally 4 Paws for a giant bag of pet food (you know you have to get some anyway) and pair it with their home-made and nutritious treats! Or pick out a fuzzy toy or bling for your best friend –remember all that unconditional love you get?  This is the perfect way to say, “thanks, I love you too!”


Buy a bag of delicious, aromatic, fresh-roasted coffee from Poulsbo’s Personal Roast Coffee Co. Preorder by email (personalroast@gmail.com) and pick up at Naturally 4 Paws OR choose from the available selection on 8/21!  Medium or Dark Roast!

agate pass

Treat yourself to dinner from the wonderfully fresh menu at Agate Pass Café in Suquamish. They use local producers to bring you flavors of the area- even their wine list is Pacific-Northwest based! Enjoy the beautiful water scenery or a stroll on the dock while you’re there!

Thanks and hope to see you on August 21st!

New Website

We’re excited to present our new website! We’re hoping this will better serve to connect us with our community and provide a better face for the organization.

If you have any feedback or questions, you can send us a message on the Contact Us page.